It’s been a whirlwind twelve months at 96five!
There’s been so much going on, and at the heart of it all is a message of hope to our city.
We don’t do it alone though; everything your 96five does is because of your support and partnership. Together we are making hope possible for people across Brisbane who are hurting, who are isolated, or just doing it tough in the day-to-day battles.

“When I lost my husband last year it was a real shock. We’d been married just shy of 45 years. I turn 96five on at 5:30 in the morning, and don’t switch it off until the 7 News Simulcast. It’s my connection to the world and I really feel like part of the family. It’s such a calming, beautiful station.”
Diane – Springfield Lakes.
Here are some of they ways you’ve been able to make hope possible, both at home and overseas, with your support of 96five over the past year.
School Excursions
The School Excursion program encourages the next generation, making the school and students the star of the show, as well as experiencing a behind the scenes view of how radio works. The broadcasts also highlight the work of our school chaplains, and provide a great fundraising opportunity for the school.

The program has been running for over a decade, and this week we celebrate our 250th School Excursion, which takes place at Shorncliffe State School.
96five SOS
Another long running program is the SOS, which has brought hope to local families for more than 10 years. It’s a practical way in which 96five, along with the station’s supporters, can reach out to those who are struggling and come alongside them in their time of need.
This program has impacted hundreds of families across Brisbane.
Earlier this year we surprised the Hifo family, hearing the story of their daughter Aurelia, and how the Algester State School has been supporting them.
Robes for Mothers Day
You brought hope to Mum’s who’ve fled domestic violence by supporting this unique initiative in partnership with Brisbane Domestic Violence Service. 96five was a collection point, with almost 200 robes being dropped off, just in time for Mothers Day.

Prayer 4U Month
During April, around 300 prayer requests were received. It is another example of how your 96five family can come alongside you in life’s journey. Almost daily, the 96five prayer team set aside time to pray for your requests. This is just another way the ministry of 96five is sharing the real hope of Jesus with lives across Brisbane.
Chappy Chat’s
One way your support of 96five helps bring hope to our city is with production of the short messages that are heard daily. A new series entitled ‘Chappy Chat’s’ was commissioned and produced, and is aimed directly at bringing hope to school aged children. School Chaplain and Invictus Games gold-medalist Sarah Petchell researches and presents ‘Chappy Chats’, exclusively to 96five.

Operation Christmas Child
Through this partnership with Samaritan’s Purse, 96five listeners were able to share Christmas hope and joy with children in South East Asia. This simple act of packing a shoebox with gifts is also a reminder to Brisbane kids of the real meaning of Christmas.
96five’s Heart of Christmas
In what will become an annual appeal, our very first Heart of Christmas was in aid of the Queensland Children’s Hospital Foundation Christmas Appeal. Your support brought hope into the hospital with donations of gifts to seriously ill children who were spending Christmas in hospital. 96five broadcast live from the hospital on the final day of the appeal.

For King & Country – Burn the Ships Tour
Your support enabled 96five to present the Brisbane leg of For King & Country’s Burn the Ships World Tour. The Grammy Award winning band have received widespread acclaim for their live shows, and originally hailed from Brisbane before relocating to the US. In fact the band were overwhelmed by the support of their Brisbane shows, after selling out 2 shows within a week. The only other city they have sold out back-to-back shows is in their hometown of Nashville.
96five were also able to host some special guests at the first Brisbane show. The Silva family lost their father and husband Julio to cancer, leaving behind wife Jo and 2 young daughters. The Silva family were encouraged through the battle by listening to 96five and in particular the song ‘Shoulders’ by For King & Country provided them with great strength.
The Graham Tour
You enabled the station to welcome Franklin Graham’s evangelistic event to the Brisbane Riverstage. It was the 60th anniversary of his father’s (Billy Graham) historic Australian tour. Franklin Graham was Alex Milne’s special guest on 96five’s ‘Sunday Celebration’, proclaiming the hope found in Jesus.
Sponsor a Village
This partnership with Compassion Australia saw 96five listeners provide hope in a very practical way to children living in poverty. The village of Barangay Uno in the Philippines was the recipient of the support provided.
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