Feeling like something sweet? Try this delicious chocolate slice recipe which is sure to be a crowd pleaser!

This chocolate slice is sure to be a hit and made with ingredients you probably already have in your cupboard or fridge.

Chocolate Slice Recipe


1 Cup Plain Flour

1 Cup Desiccated Coconut

1/2 Cup Sugar

185g / 6 oz Butter (melted)

1 Tablespoon Cocoa

1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla


Preheat your over to 170 C.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl, add melted butter and vanilla.

Mix well.

Press mixture over the base of a greased 28cm x 18cm lamington tin.

Bake in moderate oven at 170 C for 20 mins.

Let the slice cool, then ice with your preferred version of chocolate icing and sprinkle with coconut. Or mix things up with hundreds and thousands or any topping of choice.

This recipe was demolished by my colleagues when brought into the office. Give it a try yourself and see if this recipe has the same results in your workplace or with your family and friends.

Inspired to cook and bake? Check out a collection of recipes on the 96five website by clicking here!

Article written by Nikki Poulton and supplied with thanks to 1079life.

Feature image: Photo by Norwood Themes on Unsplash

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