Article written by 96five Intern – Stephanie Acraman

The faith that keeps The Voice going!

Screaming fans lined the stage as ‘The Voice Australia’ series six winner Judah sung his heart out and won himself one of Australia’s largest singing competitions, however it’s his next performance which has fans still following his journey.

Set to perform as one of the stars at the Gympie Music Muster from today, August 24 to August 27, Kelly has said his love for singing stemmed from performing since the age of 10, where it’s been a constant dream to one day be a recognised, respected performer.

“My mum actually says that I was named Judah (which means to praise or to sing) for that reason. She had a dream for me to sing before I was conceived that she would fall pregnant with a boy who would be musical.”

Hear the full interview here – 96five’s Arthur Muhl chats to The Voice winner Judah Kelly about his faith that keeps him going.

One of the weirdest adjustments for Kelly to make since winning The Voice however, has been how people now recognise him while out – a understandably bizarre sensation for any individual who was born and raised in a conservative town.

It was this small town upbringing where his mother instilled the importance of faith in his daily life. Kelly mentioned how pivotal it has been throughout this time, saying it was “just how I was raised”.

“It was always a thing of faith, and lucky it was always music that was going to be what I did.”

“Even at times when I was completely broke, I had negative amount of money in my bank account and my car would brake down so I would have a mechanics bill and I have no way to pay it but somehow I would always manage to do it. I think it’s through that bit of faith that now finally I’m reaping the benefits of all of that struggle.”

It was in this struggle Kelly’s signature song ‘Count On Me’ was inspired and helped him win the competition on July 2.

Judah Kelly will be performing at The Gympie Music Muster today, Thursday August 24 to Sunday August 27, where the festival will also host other artists such as Jessica Mauboy, Adam Brand, Reece Mastin and Graeme Connors.

Congratulations again Judah! We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

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